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view post Posted on 18/11/2014, 22:38






Avendo per mesi faticato a dare un minimo di ordine al computer nel quale giacevano in disordine migliaia di libri, ho cominciato a ricavarne qualche elenco utilizzabile. E allora, visto che c’è questo povero Sermo in attesa perenne di servire a qualcosa, mi collego al Progetto materialismo, per elencare i testi che - a mia conoscenza, ovviamente - sono disponibili in rete, sul tema dell’attuale concezione scientifica, e quindi materialistica, dell’uomo e che possono avere interesse anche per chi ha un orientamento filosofico. Sono esclusi quindi i libri scientifici specialistici, ad eccezione di alcuni che presentano anche parti di carattere più generale.
Voglio precisare ancora che non si tratta di una bibliografia vera e propria - che, com'è ovvio, non è assolutamente alla mia portata - ma solo dell'elenco di testi disponibili materialmente in rete per il download gratuito (o a prezzi minimi come nel caso di Ebookfarm). Quindi possono risultare assenti testi sull'argomento anche assai importanti ma che al momento non sono liberamente disponibili online.
E' ovvio che una bibliografia fatta solo di titoli, cioè di libri che non si sono letti, è sempre un qualcosa di abbastanza effimero, anche perché i titoli non di rado (e spesso volutamente) traggono in inganno. Quindi per quelli che ho letto o leggerò, proverò a mettere eventualmente delle brevi note sul contenuto.
I testi sono divisi per anno di pubblicazione, e in cinque sezioni: 1. Teoria dell’evoluzione; 2. Evoluzione dell’uomo; 3. Filosofia della mente e psicologia; 4. Epistemologia e ideologia; 5. Biologia e religione. E’ una suddivisione alquanto arbitraria, ma non penso sia inutile. Di ogni testo si indica il sito in cui è disponibile il download (da me verificato). Per la quasi totalità si tratta di testi presenti su Libgen e Ebookfarm (in quest’ultimo caso solo quando non presenti già su Libgen). Ma, considerato che il solo Libgen, per ogni anno, ha in memoria dai 40.000 ai 70.000 testi, e che Ebookfarm ha un motore di ricerca ben poco funzionale, basta e avanza per le mie forze.
Un ringraziamento a coloro che in qualunque modo contribuiscono a diffondere la cultura. Il guadagno per tutti sarà sempre infinitamente maggiore delle perdite per alcuni.




- AA.VV., S. Jay Gould. The Scientific Legacy 2013. 3.662 KB. Libgen.
- BARRETT, S., Secrets of Your Cells. Discovering Your Body's Inner Intelligence. 2013. 1.376 KB. Libgen.
- CABEJ, N.R., Building the Most Complex Structure on Earth. An Epigenetic Narrative of Development and Evolution of animals. 2013. 11.262 KB. Libgen.
- CHAO, H., CHEN, S., MILLSTON, R.L. (eds.), Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics. 2013. 1.933 KB. Libgen.
- CLATTERBUCK, H., SOBER, E., LEWONTIN, Selection never dominates drift (nor vice versa). 2013. 316 KB. Libgen.
- COWEN, R., History of Life. 5a ed. 2013. 90.170 KB. Libgen.
- PAZ Y MINO, G., Evolution Stands Faith Up. Reflections on Evolution's Wars. 2013. 1.227 KB. Ebookfarm.
- GREENE, H.W., Tracks and Shadows. Field Biology as Art. 2013. 5.177 KB. Libgen.
- KRIMSKY, S., GRUBER, J. (eds.), Genetic Explanations. Sense and Nonsense. 2013. 4.937 KB. Libgen.
- LERNER, R.M., BENSON, J.B., (eds.), Embodiment and Epigenesis. B. Ontogenic Dimensions. 2013. 1.693 KB. Libgen.
- MEYER, S.C., Darwin's Doubt. the Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design. 2013. 23.070 KB. Libgen.
- ROSENBERG, E (ed.), The Prokaryotes. Prokaryotic Biology and Symbiotic Associations. 2013. 16.119 KB. Libgen.
- WILSON, E.O., Letters to a Young Scientist. 2013. 3.629 KB. Libgen.
- WILSON, E.O., The Social Conquest of Earth. 2013. 11.262 KB. Libgen.


- AVISE, J.C., AYALA, F.J., STRIEDTER, G.F., In the Light of Evolution VI. Brain and Behaviour. 2013 26.725 KB. Libgen.
- BEGUN, D.R. (ed.), A Companion to Paleoanthropology. 2013. 5286 KB. Libgen.
- FINLAY, G., Human Evolution. Genes, Genealogies and Phylogenies. 2013. 4.484 KB. Libgen.
- GRAY, P.B., GARCIA, J.R., Evolution and Human Sexual Behavior. 2013 3.651 KB. Libgen.
- LIEBERMAN, D.E., The Story of the Human Body. Evolution, Health, and Disease. 2013. 14217 KB. Libgen.
- REED, K.E., FLEAGLE, J.G., LEAKEY, R.E. (eds.), The Paleobiology of Australopithecus. 2013. 11.847 KB. Libgen.
- SHUBIN, N., The Universe Within. Discovering the Common History of Rocks, Planets, and People. 2013. 6516 KB. Libgen.
- STANFORD, C., ALLEN, J.S., ANTON, S.C., Biological Anthropology. The Natural History of Humankind. IIIa ed. 2013. Libgen.


- BONCINELLI, E., Sai cos'è. Neuroscienze. 2013. epub. Scribd.
- BROCKMAN, J. (ed.), Thinking. The New Science of Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, and Prediction. 2013. 5.514 KB. Libgen.
- CAVANNA, A.E., NANI, A., BLUMENFELD, H., LAUREYS, S. (eds.), Neuroimaging of Consciousness. 2013. 7.066 KB. Libgen.
- CHURCHLAND, P.S., Touching a Nerve. the Self as Brain. 2013. 5.035 KB. Libgen.
- CRANE, T., The Objects of Thought. 2013. 871 KB. Libgen.
- DENNETT, D.C., Intuition Pumps And Other Tools for Thinking. 2013. 9.189 KB. Libgen.
- FELDMAN, R., Essentials of Understanding Psychology. X ed. 2013. 90.267 KB. Libgen.
- IRVINE, E., Consciousness as a Scientific Concept. A Philosophy of Science Perspective. 2013. 920 KB. Libgen.
- KREITLER, S., Cognition and Motivation. Forging an Interdisciplinary Perspective. 2012. 5.731 KB. Libgen.
- LEPORE, E., LUDWIG, K., A Companion to Donald Davidson. 2013. 3.819 KB. Libgen.
- MOLTMANN, F., Abstract Objects and the Semantics of Natural Language
. 2013. 1.146 KB. Libgen.
- RACINE, T.P., SLANEY, K.L. (eds.), A Wittgensteinian Perspective on the Use of Conceptual Analysis in Psychology. 2013. 1.622 KB. Libgen.
- RAIKKA, J., VARELIUS, J., Adaptation and Autonomy. Adaptive Preferences in Enhancing and Ending Life. 2013. 1.471 KB. Libgen.
- SMITH, R., Between Mind and Nature. A History of Psychology. 2013. 1.212 KB. Libgen.
- SOFO, F., SOFO, M., COLAPINTO, C., AMMIRATO, S., Adaptive Decision Making and Intellectual Styles. 2013. 1.310 KB. Libgen.
- SUAREZ, A., ADAMS, P. (eds.). Is Science Compatible with Free Will? Consciousness and Quantum Physics. 2013. 2.724 KB. Libgen.
- TAYLOR, J.G., Solving the Mind-Body Problem by the CODAM Neural Model of Consciousness. 2013. 3.346 KB. Libgen.
- WATTS, A.W., The Joyous Cosmology. Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness. 2a ed. 2013. 17.863 KB. Libgen.


- GAT, A., Nations. the Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism. 2013. 2.801 KB. Libgen.
- LAUDISA, F., Il naturalismo contemporaneo e le sue radici humiane. 2013. 136 KB.
- LIVIO, M., Brilliant Blunders. From Darwin to Einstein. Colossal Mistakes by Great Scientists. 2013. 3.675 KB. Libgen.
- McCONKIE, B.R., Genesis Evolution. Christianity and Science. 2013. 151 KB. Ebookfarm.
- OBERTONE, L., La France orange mécanique. 2013. 394 KB. Libgen.
- PUNDSTONE, W., The Recursive Universe. Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge. 2013. 10.691 KB. Libgen.
- SEGERSTRALE, U., Nature's Oracle. the Life and Work of W. D. Hamilton. 2013. 2.339 KB. Libgen.
- YANOFSKY, N.S., The Outer Limits of Reason. What Science, Mathematics, and Logic Cannot Tell Us. 2013. 1.792 KB. Libgen.


- BLACKFORD, R., SCHUKLENK, U., 50 Great Myths about Atheism. 2013. 2.776 KB. Libgen.
- BOGHOSSIAN, P., A Manual for Creating Atheists. 2013. 3.085 KB. Libgen.
- DWORKIN, R., Religion without God. 2013. 843 KB. Libgen.
- GRAYLING, A.C., The God argument. the case against religion and for humanism. 2013. 3.179 KB. Libgen.
- GUSHEE, D.P., The Sacredness of Human Life. Why an Ancient Biblical Vision Is Key to the World's Future. 2013. 6.684 KB. Libgen.
- LEE, M.J., The Erosion of Biblical Certainty. Battles over Authority and Interpretation in America. 2013. 2.398 KB. Libgen.




- AYALA, F.J., The Big Questions. Evolution. 2012. 3.805 KB. Libgen.
- BEJAN, A., PEDER ZANE, J., Design in Nature. How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organization. 2012..epub. 6.097 KB. Libgen.
- BRUSATTE, S.L., Dinosaur paleobiology. 2012 15.312 KB. Libgen.
- CABEJ, N.R., Epigenetic Principles of Evolution. 2012. 28.675 KB. Libgen.
- IMPEY, C., LUNINE, J., FUNES, J., Frontiers of Astrobiology. 2012. 10.614 KB. Libgen.
- LONGO, G., MONTEVIL, M., KAUFFMAN, S., Non entailing Laws, but enablement in the Evolution. 2012. 261 KB.
- KRAUSS, L.M., A Universe from Nothing. Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing. 2012. 4.123 KB. Libgen.
- PIEVANL T., Many ways of being human, the Stephen J. Gould's legacy to Palaeo-Anthropology. 2012. 644 KB.
- SOBER, E., Review of Thomas Nagel's Mind and Cosmos. 2012. 120 KB.


- AA.VV., Homo sapiens. L'avventura della scimmia nuda. Micromega. 2012. 4.898 KB. Libgen.
- BARASH, D.P., Homo Mysterious. Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature. 2012. 5.271 KB. Libgen.
- CRAWFORD, M.H., CAMPBELL, B.C., Causes and Consequences of Human Migration. An Evolutionary Perspective. 2012. 7.597 KB. Libgen.
- DAGG, A.I., HARDING, L., Human Evolution and Male Aggression. Debunking the Myth of Man and Ape. 2012. 3.223 KB. Libgen.
- HOFMAN, M.A., FALK D. (eds.), Evolution of the Primate Brain. From Neuron to Behavior. 2012. 21.904 KB. Libgen.
- HURFORD, J.R., The Origin of Grammar. Language in the Light of Evolution 2. 2012. Libgen.
- LILES, D., An introduction to human evolution. 2012. 3.111 KB. Libgen.
- MAESTRIPIERI, D., Games Primates Play. An Undercover Investigation of the Evolution and Economics of Human Relationships. 2012. 5.287 KB. Libgen.
- RUSE, M., The Philosophy of Human Evolution. 2012. 7.860 KB. Libgen.
- SCHILHAB, T., STJERNFELT, F., DEACON, T.W. (eds.), The Symbolic Species Evolved. 2012. 2.223 KB. Libgen.
- STINSON, S., BOGIN, B., O'ROURKE, D., Human Biology. An Evolutionary and Biocultural Perspective. 2012. 8.417 KB. Ebookfarm.
- STRINGER, C., Lone Survivors. How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth. 2012. 6.910 KB. Libgen.


- CARTER, C., Science and Psychic Phenomena. the Fall of the House of Skeptics.2012. epub 1.094 KB. Libgen.
- COLLIN, C. et AA., The Psychology Book, Big Ideas Simply Explained. 2012. 23.003 KB. Libgen.
- FREDRIKSSON, I. (ed.). Aspects of Consciousness. Essays on Physics, Death and the Mind. 2012. 3.510 KB. Libgen.
- GENNARO, R.J., The Consciousness Paradox. Consciousness, Concepts, and Higher-Order Thoughts. 2012. 986 KB. Libgen.
- HAMMOND, C., Time Warped. Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception. 2012. epub 4.686 KB. Libgen.
- HODGSON, D., Rationality + Consciousness = Free Will. 2012. 1.134 KB. Libgen.
- ROTH, W.-M., First-Person Methods. Toward an Empirical Phenomenology of Experience. 2012. 2.100 KB. Libgen.
- ROBERTS, S.C. (ed.). Applied Evolutionary Psychology. 2012. 2.499 KB. Libgen.
- ROLLINS, M. (ed.), Danto and his Critics, II ed. 2012. 2.281 KB. Libgen.
- SEAGER, W., Natural Fabrications. Science, Emergence and Consciousness. 2012. 2.523 KB. Libgen.
- SUE, D.W., SUE, D., Counseling the Culturally Diverse. Theory and Practice. 2012. epub 1.943 KB. Libgen.
- TRIMBLE, M., Why Humans Like to Cry. Tragedy, Evolution, and the Brain. 2012 1.790 KB. Libgen.
- WALTER, A., Evolutionary Psychology and the Propositional-attitudes. Two Mechanist Manifestos. 2012. 693 KB. Libgen.
- WATSON, I., The Universal Machine. From the Dawn of Computing to Digital Consciousness. 2012. 5.661 KB. Libgen.
- WEINBERG, A. (ed.), The psychology of politicians. 2012. 2.331 KB. Libgen.


- ALFRED, R., Mad Science. Einstein's Fridge, Dewar's Flask, Mach's Speed, and 362 Other Inventions and Discoveries that Made Our World. 2012. epub 3.011 KB. Libgen.
- CLEGG, B., Gravity. How the Weakest Force in the Universe Shaped Our Lives. 2012. epub 703 KB. Libgen.
- DAEMPFLE, P.A., Good Science, Bad Science, Pseudoscience, and Just Plain Bunk. 2012. epub 11.321 KB. Libgen.
- DEJONG-LAMBERT, W., The Cold War Politics of Genetic Research. An Introduction to the Lysenko Affair. 2012. 1.502 KB. Libgen.
- GOLDHABER, D., The Nature-Nurture Debates. Bridging the Gap. 2012. 828 KB. Libgen.
- GRIFFITHS, D.J., Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Physics. 2012. 3.625 KB. Libgen.
- NICHOLLS, R., A Critique of the Idea of Progress Ethics, Knowledge & Evolution. 2012. Ebookfarm.
- ROBINSON, A., The Scientists. An Epic of Discovery. 2012. 54.571 KB. Libgen.
- SARACENO, P., Beyond the Stars. Our Origins and the Search for Life in the Universe. 2012. 11.023 KB. Libgen (Traduzione de Il caso Terra, 2007).


- BELLAH, R.N., JOAS, H., The Axial Age and Its Consequences. 2012. 4.971 KB. Libgen.
- EGGER-WENZEL, R., CORLEY, J. (eds.). Emotions from Ben Sira to Paul. 2012. 3.548 KB. Libgen.
- ENNS, P., The Evolution of Adam. What the Bible Does and Doesn't Say about Human Origins. 2012. 4.247 KB. Libgen.
- GREGORY, B.S., The Unintended Reformation. How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society. 2012. 1.956 KB. Libgen.
- POOLE, V., A Comprehensive Introduction to Intelligent Design. 2012. 1.011 KB. Libgen.
- WEBSTER, J., The Domain of the Word. Scripture and Theological Reason. 2012. 824 KB. Libgen.




- BAZZANA A., BUIATTI, M., FREGUGLIA, P., Metodi matematici per la teoria dell'evoluzione. 2011. 3.225 KB. Libgen.
- BROWN, C., LALAND, K., KRAUSE, J. (eds.), Fish Cognition and Behavior. 2011. 7.769 KB. Libgen.
- FUTUYMA, D.J., Expand Or Revise. the Evolutionary Synthesis Today. 2011. 118 KB.
- GISSIS, S.B., JABLONKA, E., Transformations of Lamarckism. From Subtle Fluids to Molecular Biology. 2011. 2.900 KB. Libgen.
- HEAMS, T. e AA. (eds.) Les mondes darwiniens. L’évolution de l’évolution. 2011. 19.832 KB. Libgen.
- KOONIN, E.V., The Logic of Chance. the Nature and Origin of Biological Evolution. 2011. 3.575 KB. Libgen.
- McGHEE, G., Convergent Evolution. Limited Forms Most Beautiful. 2011. 2.042 KB. Libgen.
- PIEVANI T., La vita inaspettata. 2011. 7.347 KB. Libgen.
- RAFFERTY, J.P., New Thinking About Evolution. 2011. 5.715 KB. Libgen.
- SANSOM, R., Ingenious Genes. How Gene Regulation Networks Evolve to Control Development. 2011. 713 KB. Libgen.
- SOBER, E., Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards? 2011. 4.361 KB. Libgen.
- STERELNY, K., CALCOTT, B. (eds.), The Major Transition in Evolution Revisited. 2011. 4.705 KB. Libgen.


- ASHTON, N.M., LEWIS, S.G., STRINGER, C.B. (eds.), The Ancient Human Occupation of Britain. 2011. 13.977 KB. Libgen.
- BELLAH, R.N., Religion in Human Evolution. From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age. 2011. 3.945 KB. Libgen.
- BOWLES, S., GINTIS, H., A Cooperative Species. Human Reciprocity and Its Evolution. 2011. 4.336 KB. Libgen.
- BROWN, G.R., DICKINS, T.E., SEAR, R., LALAND, K.N. (eds.), Evolution and Human Behavioural Diversity. 2011. 4.419 KB. Ebookfarm.
- DI SCIULLO, A.M., BOECKX, C. (eds.), The Biolinguistic Enterprise. New Perspectives on the Evolution and Nature of the Human Language Faculty. 2011. mobi. 4.595 KB. Ebookfarm.
- FALK. D., The Fossil Chronicles. How Two Controversial Discoveries Changed Our View of Human Evolution. 2011. 2.826 KB. Ebookfarm.
- HARRISON, T. (ed.), Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli 1. Geology, Geochronology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment. 2011. 18.442 KB. Ebookfarm.
- HARRISON, T. (ed.), Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli 2. Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna. 2011. 18.471 KB. Ebookfarm.
- JAMES, S.M., An Introduction to Evolutionary Ethics. 2011. 4.984 KB. Ebookfarm.
- LIEBERMAN, D.E., The Evolution of the Human Head. 2011. 4.506 KB. Ebookfarm.
- MESOUDl A., Cultural Evolution. How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture and Synthesize the Social Sciences. 2011. 2.478 KB. Ebookfarm.
- STEELE, J. e AA. (eds.). From Action to Language. Primate Tool Use, Gesture and the Evolution of Human Language. 2011. 10.384 KB. Ebookfarm.
- WHITEN, A., HINDE, R.A., STRINGER, C.B., LALAND, K.N. (eds.), Culture Evolves. 2011. 9.838 KB. Ebookfarm.
- WOOD, B., Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, I-II. 2011. 8.378 KB. Libgen.


- BEJARANO, T., Becoming Human. From Pointing Gestures to Syntax. 2011. 1.687 KB. Libgen.
- BOB, P., Brain, Mind and Consciousness. Advances in Neuroscience Research. 2011. 3.332 KB. Libgen.
- BUSS, D.M., HAWLEY, P.H. (eds.), The Evolution of Personality and Individual Differences. 2011. 3.342 KB. Libgen.
- CARDENA, E., WINKELMAN, M. (eds.), Altering Consciousness. Multidisciplinary Perspectives. 2011. 5.153 KB. Libgen.
- CHURCHLAND, P.S., Braintrust. What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality. 2011. 2.238 KB. Libgen.
- CVETKOVIC, D., COSIC, I., States of Consciousness. Experimental Insights into Meditation, Waking, Sleep and Dreams. 2011. 2.666 KB. Libgen.
- DEHAENE, S., CHRISTEN, Y., Characterizing Consciousness. From Cognition to the Clinic. 2011. 2.293 KB. Libgen.
- GRAZIANO, M., LUVERA', C. (eds.), Bioestetica, Bioetica, Biopolitica. Atti CODISCO. 2011. 10.388 KB.
- HANEY II, W.S., Utopia and Consciousness. Consciousness, Literature and the Arts. 2011. 632 KB. Libgen.
- KENRICK, D.T., Sex, Murder, and the Meaning of Life. How Evolution, Cognition, and Complexity are Revolutionizing our View of Human Nature. 2011. 4.010 KB. Libgen.
- LANGSAM, H., The Wonder of Consciousness. Understanding the Mind through Philosophical Reflection. 2011. 3.193 KB. Libgen.
- LYNN, R., The Chosen People. A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement. 2011. 5.281 KB. Ebookfarm.
- ROESSLER, J., LERMAN, H., EILAN, N. (eds.), Perception, Causation, and Objectivity. 2011. 1.632 KB. Libgen.
- ROSENBLUM, B., KUTTNER, F., Quantum Enigma. Physics Encounters Consciousness, IIa ed. 2011. 3.563 KB. Libgen.
- SAAD, G. (ed.), Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences. 2011. 2.518 KB. Libgen.
- SCHWITZGEBEL, E., Perplexities of Consciousness. 2011. 823 KB. Libgen.
- SHEETS-JOHNSTONE, M., The Primacy of Movement. IIa ed. 2011. 3.213 KB. Libgen.
- THIEL, U., The Early Modern Subject. Self-Consciousness and Personal Identity from Descartes to Hume. 2011. 2.355 KB. Libgen.
- TURRI, M.G., Gli oggetti che popolano il mondo. Ontologia delle relazioni. 2011. 9.213 KB. Libgen.
- WALACH, H., SCHMIDT, S., JONAS, W.B. (eds.), Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality. 2011. 4.644 KB. Libgen.
- WEITEN, W., Psychology. Themes and Variations. 2011. 89.562 KB. Libgen.
- WINFIELD, R.D., The Living Mind. From Psyche to Consciousness. 2011. 3.395 KB. Libgen.


- BASSIOUNI, M.C., Crimes Against Humanity. Historical Evolution and Contemporary Application. 2011. 5.650 KB. Libgen.
- BOTZ-BORNSTEIN, T. (ed.), The Crisis of the Human Sciences. False Objectivity and the Decline of Creativity. 2011. Ebookfarm.
- HOERL. C., MCCORMACK T., BECIC S.R. (eds.), Understanding Counterfactuals, Understanding Causation. 2011. 1.690 KB. Libgen.
- ISMAIL, I., MARTENS, A., LANDAU, M.J., GREENBERG, J., WEISE, D.R., Exploring the Effects of the Naturalistic Fallacy. 2011. 118 KB. Libgen Scientific Articles.
- LEWIS, J.E., e AA., The Mismeasure of Science. S. Jay Gould versus Samuel George Morton on Skulls and Bias. 382 KB. 2011.
- PINKER, S., The Better Angels of Our Nature. Why Violence Has Declined. 2011. 4.898 KB.
- ZAMUDIO, M.Z., RUSSELL, C., RIOS, F.A., BRIDGEMAN, J.L., Critical Race Theory Matters. Education and Ideology. 2011. 2.377 KB. Libgen.


- HEDLEY BROOKE, J., NUMBERS, R.L., Science and Religion Around the World. 2011. 1.232 KB.Libgen.
- McGRATH, A., Darwinism and the Divine. Evolutionary Thought and Natural Theology. 2011. 1.232 KB 4.998 KB. Libgen.




- AVISE, J.C., AYALA, F.J., e AA. (eds.), In the Light of Evolution V. Cooperation and Conflict. 2010. 13.413 KB. Libgen.
- AVISE, J.C., AYAIA F.J., HUBBELL, S.P., In the Light of Evolution II. Biodiversity and Extinction. 2010. 46.209 KB. Libgen.
- AVISE, J.C., AYALA, F.J., In the Light of Evolution I. Adaptation and Complex Design. 2010. 2.680 KB. Libgen.
- AVISE, J.C., AYALA, F.J., In the Light of Evolution IE. Two Centuries of Darwin. 2010 3.144 KB. Libgen.
- AYALA, F.J., ARP, R. (eds.). Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology. 2010. 1.525 KB. Libgen.
- FODOR, J.A., PALMARINI PIATTELLI, M., What Darwin Got Wrong. 2010. 3.567 KB. Libgen. ( Gli errori di Darwin. 2010. 6.148 KB. Libgen.)
- HENDERSON, M., 50 grandi idee. Genetica.. 2010. 7.268 KB.
- KAUFFMAN, S.A., Reinventing the Sacred. The Science of Complexity and the Emergence of a Natural Divinity. . 2010. 3.200 KB. Libgen.
- LYNDEN-BELL, R.M., CONWAY MORRIS, S. et AA. (eds.), Water and Life. The Unique Properties of H20. . 2010. 29.785 KB. Libgen.
- MATTHEWS, R.W., MATTHEWS, J.R., Insect Behavior. . Ila ed. 2010. 17.612 KB. Libgen.
- McSHEA, D.W., BRANDON, R.N., Biology's First Law. The Tendency for Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems.. 2010. 813 KB. Libgen.
- RICHARDS, R.J., Darwin's Principles of Divergence. Why Fodor was Almost Right. 2010. 272 KB. Library Genesis: Scientific Articles.
- SARFATI, J., The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Refuting Dawkins on Evolution. 2011. 25.027 KB. Libgen.


- AVISE, J.C., AYALA, F.J., In the Light of Evolution IV. The Human Condition. 2010 3.169 KB. Libgen.
- AVISE, J.C., Inside the Human Genome. A Case for Non-Intelligent Design. 2010. 1.464 KB. Libgen.
- BARBUJANI G., COLONNA, V., Human Genome Diversity. Frequently Asked Questions. 2010. 385 KB.
- BEACH, J., The Dawn of Symbolic Life. The Future of Human Evolution. 2010. 14.014 KB. Libgen.
- CUNNANE, S.C., STEWART, K.M., Human brain evolution. The influence of freshwater and marine food resources. 2010. 2.250 KB. Libgen.
- FLEAGLE, J.G. e AA. (eds.), Out of Africa I. The First Hominin Colonization of Eurasia. 2010. 11.154 KB. Libgen.
- HAVILAND, W.A., WALRATH, D., PRINS, H.E.L., McBRIDE, B., Evolution and Prehistory. The Human Challenge. 2010. 56.493 KB. Libgen.
- HODGE, R., Human Genetics. Race, Population, and Disease. 2010. 11.192 KB Libgen.
- HODGE, R., The Future of Genetics. Beyond the Human Genome Project. 2010. 9.504 KB. Libgen.
- LEWIS, B., JURMAIN, R., KILGORE, L., Understanding Humans. An Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology. 2010. 51.783 KB. Libgen.
- MUEHLENBEIN, M.P. (ed.), Human evolutionary biology. 2010. 7.620 KB. Libgen.
- NOWELL, A., DAVIDSON, I. (eds.), Stone Tools and the Evolution of Human Cognition. 2010. 2.021 KB. Libgen.
- PETRAGLIA, M.D., ROSE, J.I., The Evolution of Human Populations in Arabia. Paleoenvironments, Prehistory and Genetics. 2010 11.852 KB. Libgen.
- STEFOFF, R., First Humans. Humans, An Evolutionary History. 2010. 14.909 KB. Libgen.
- STEFOFF, R., Ice Age Neanderthals. 2010. 11.812 KB. Libgen.
- STEFOFF, R., Modern Humans. Humans, An Evolutionary History. 2010. 11.989 KB. Libgen.
- STEFOFF, R., Origins. Humans, An Evolutionary History. 2010. 18.215 KB. Libgen.
- WALKER, A., STRINGER, C. (eds.), The First Four Million Years of Human Evolution. 2010. 11.218 KB. Libgen.
- WELLS, J.C.K., The Evolutionary Biology of Human Body Fatness. Thrift and Control. 2010. Libgen.


- BAARS, B.J., GAGE, N.M., Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience. 2010. 48.216 KB. Libgen.
- BALCONI, M., (ed.), Neuropsychology of the Sense of Agency. From Consciousness to Action. 2010. 974 KB. Libgen.
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